Wednesday, June 30, 2021

單字背了就忘?知道意思卻不會用? 透過小圖創作及造句練習來學習新單字, 讓背單字不再枯燥無趣! 

Students used this worksheet to “write” their spelling word, “draw” it in context and “use” it in a sentence.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Word Family Flower

學生們透過製作 Word Family Flowers 來練習 "-an, -aw, -ice, -ing, -ip, -ug" 的自然發音及單字. 

The students enjoyed this word family flowers activity, which is a fun way to practice phonics, word families, and rhyming.

Reading Comprehension Strategies @CommonLit

這暑假為幾位中年級學生做了閱讀素養能力的特訓, 教材是用 CommonLit 的 Target Lesson, 雖然免費, 但是含金量滿滿, 完全不會輸給我們平常使用的Wonders及國家地理等經典教材! CommonLit 是對標美國課綱的非營利組織, 以提昇 G3~G12 學...